about the artist

Peter Cizmadia is a multi-disciplinary artist and designer based out of Washington DC. With a background spanning Virginia, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah and the District, Cizmadia draws inspiration from people, places, and their histories, which strongly influence his artistic practice. He primarily draws from the tradition and practice of stenciling, painting, printmaking, papercutting and photography to build his mixed media artwork. At the core of his work is a deep commitment to exploring the interplay between human and natural systems, while delving into the rich tapestry of American landscapes, both natural and built.

By embracing a multi-disciplinary approach and drawing upon a foundation of meticulous research, Cizmadia weaves together various artistic mediums to construct compelling narratives that transcend conventional boundaries. His creative process is rooted in a fusion of hands-on experience and extensive research, driven by a passion for uncovering hidden histories, exploring remote landscapes, and reconciling the sublime with the banal. Through his work, he invites viewers to embark on a thought-provoking journey that explores the interconnection of art, history, and the complexities of human-designed systems and our natural surroundings.